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If you wish to contact the school, please email *** Please remember to book your school lunches*** Our Nursery provides 15 and 30 hour funded sessions for 3 and 4 year old children.

Road Safety

Arriving safely at school and drop-off and collection times is essential. 


Please do all that you can to drop off and collect your child on foot, by scooter or by bicycle. 


If you do need to drive to drop your child off or collect them, please make sure you park well away from the front of the school. There are cycle lanes, double yellow lines, zig-zag lines (to indicate that waiting or stopping at any time is prohibited) and traffic calming measures outside of our school and they are all there to keep our children safe. If you park in any of these zones it is endangering other road users and our children. 


Roadside parking is available for a limited number of cars further up Radegund Road (beyond Coleridge Community College's front entrance) and on the side streets (Suez Road and Golding Road). 


Additionally, there is a second entrance to Ridgefield Primary School, opened at collection and drop off each day, located at the corner of Hobart Road. If you are able to use this entrance you will find roadside parking on Hobart Road and Suez Road. Please be aware that there are gates separating the 'Radegund Road end' of Suez Road from the 'Mill Road end' (see the map below). For easy access to the Hobart Road gate, please enter Suez Road, Madras Road or Hobart Road from Mill Road and use roadside parking spaces as available. 


Remember: Park and Stride to keep our children safe! 

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