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If you wish to contact the school, please email *** Please remember to book your school lunches*** Our Nursery provides 15 and 30 hour funded sessions for 3 and 4 year old children.

Art Gallery

These pages contain Ridgefield's brand new virtual Art Gallery - the brainchild of our amazing artistic director Mrs Richards (on whom all praise should be lavishly heaped).


This gallery gives us the chance to show off lots of our children's incredible art work. Please support us and watch it grow and develop over the next year...

Nursery - Owl Babies

Nursery - Poppy Handprints

Year 2 - Wax Resist Turtles

Year 4 - Colour Mixing: Secondary from Primary Colours

Reception - Portraits

Year 6 - Work on Perspective

(Current) Year 2 - Oil Pastel Owls

Year 4 - Texture Teddies (using chalk pastels)

Reception - Fruit and Leaves

Reception - Firework pictures

Year 3 - Spooky Trees (creating different shades by adding black to a colour)

Year 5 - Backdrop for The Lion King

Year 5 - Chalk Pastel Flowers

Year 4 - Flowers (painted after studying the work of Georgia O'Keeffe)

Reception - "Billy's Bucket"

Year 3 - Collages inspired by Henri Rousseau

Year 5 - Space Art after Peter Thorpe

Year 2 - Taking a Paul Klee Line for a Walk

Nursery - 'Owls'

Yr 4 - 'Picasso Guitars'

Year 1 - Light and Dark Collages

Year 3 - Fossil Drawings and Prints

Year 5 - Inspired by Friedensreich Hundertwasser

Reception - Ladybird Doubling

Year 6 - Prints inspired by Warhol

Yr 2 - 'Turtles'

Year 1 - Negative Space Butterflies and Dragonflies

Nursery - 'Rainbow Fish'

Year 4 - Blitz Pictures

Year 2 - Paul Klee Goldfish

Yr 4 - Under the wing of Claude Monet

Nursery - Colour-Mixing Circles

Yr 3 - 'Fruit': Exploring complementary colours on the colour wheel

Year 1 - Light and Dark Bats

Year 4 - Sculptures after Hepworth and Moore

Year 6 - 'Rothko'

Reception - 'Eric Carle' Butterflies

Yr 3 - 'Owls': Collages created using secondary colours

Reception - Mrs Kidman's Sewing Project

Year 1 - Great Fire of London

Yr2 - 'Fish'

Nursery & Reception - 'Fireworks'

Yr4 - 'Fruit': Colour mixing

Yr1 - 'Portraits'

Pottery Jars

Year 1 - Light and Dark Pastel Bears

Reception - Penguins

Year 6 - 'Lichenstein'

Year 1 - Light and Dark Zebras

Yr 3 - 'Bottles': Mixing tints (using white) and shades (using black)

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