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If you wish to contact the school, please email *** Please remember to book your school lunches*** Our Nursery provides 15 and 30 hour funded sessions for 3 and 4 year old children.

Music at Ridgefield

Music is an integral part of who we are at Ridgefield. It plays a huge role in our school life. Our weekly music lessons are taught by a specialist music teacher from Cambridgeshire Music. Teaching alongside the class teacher, he ensures the children get an exceptional quality musical experience within the lessons. Lessons cover the full National Curriculum requirements for music, including allowing children to experience a range of musical instruments during their time at Ridgefield. 


For those who want to pursue their musical ambitions outside of the classroom we offer group tuition, which is funded by the school to ensure that money is not a barrier to access. In addition we have visiting peripatetic music teachers who take individual children for private lessons in brass, guitar, piano and vocalisation.


If you would like to find out more about how your child could take part in extra-curricular music, then drop the office ( and email and we will put you in touch with the right person. 

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