If you are looking for the Who's Who of the governing body, please click here.
Welcome to the governors’ page on the website.
Ridgefield Primary School is supported by a team of dedicated governors who ensure that the school meets a range of statutory obligations
Who are the governors?
Governors are volunteers who support the School by working as a group called the Governing Body. Governors play an important role in the leadership and management of the school by providing both support and challenge to school leaders.
What do the governors do?
It is the governors’ role to support the staff strategically by checking to see if the school’s targets are being met and that priorities on the School Development Plan are being addressed. Governors develop a positive relationship with the head teacher and staff so that we can support them through problems, celebrate achievements and challenge them when we think they could be doing better. The governors play an important role in the school and we are all committed to ensuring Ridgefield continues to be a good school for your children to come to.
The Governing Body meets once every half-term and minutes are taken by the Clerk. These minutes are available to parents and school staff. Smaller groups of Governors (committees) meet separately at least twice a term to oversee important aspects of the running of the school. We have two sub committees – one for curriculum and one for resources. These two committees report back to the Governing Body. During the pandemic we also had a Covid Recovery Committee.
Governors also have links with members of staff responsible for key areas and visit the school from time to time during the day to talk with staff and see the school in action.
Here are some of the other things we do:
Check that all statutory requirements are being met
Review and set the school’s budget
Support school leaders in making new appointments
Monitor the school development plan
Monitor the children’s progress and standards
Keep a close watch on the provision for pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds and for those with particular needs
Monitor the children’s attendance
Review school policies
Attend school events
Visit classes and talk with staff and children
Check up on all health and safety aspects of the school site
The Governing body is committed to increasing the diversity of its members to better reflect the school community.
Copies of minutes following the various meetings are available upon request.