Our Vision
At Ridgefield, we will provide a welcoming school community in which all our pupils, whatever their background, are developed to be successful brave explorers and truly great thinkers.
Through our mantra 'Brave Explorers, Great Thinkers' we aim to:
We aim to teach our children to:
We want our children to take pride in their achievements, to develop self-discipline, to accept responsibility for their own actions and to show consideration towards others.
Our ethos is – ‘Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Proud’ and this underpins our Behaviour policy.
A positive approach to discipline based on praise and rewards is emphasised. However on the rare occasions when children do not respond to this policy, the agreed sanctions will be applied. Throughout the process, parents will be involved and informed.
The Behaviour Policy and Anti-Bullying Policies can both be found in the Policies page.
At Ridgefield Primary School, we are proud of our diverse community. We aim to be an inclusive and welcoming school where every child and their family feels that they belong. Therefore we aim to develop a culture of celebration and respect within our school community. We recognise that we have a duty to ensure that achievement is carefully tracked for all children in our school and that provision is put in place to ensure that all children achieve to their full potential, regardless of their background.
We promote the British Values of Democracy, the Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance. We do this through our day-to-day practices, our ethos around the school as well as through a programme of whole school activities including our PSHE and relationships education, our assemblies and inclusion of children in our decision making processes.
A good example, of British Values in action would be the annual elections to the school council, where the children are elected by their peers.